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Is to many bubbles in tank

23 16:05:15

I was wondering if you can have too many bubbles from bubblers and a underground filter system that it would hurt the fish? We are still in the process of cycling the tank - its only been up for 1 week and we only have 2 female molly's in the tank.  

Hi Lori,
As far as I know. The only two possible "bad things" that could occur from too many bubbling devices in your tank is excessive current in the tank causing the fish to never be able to hold still for long, or their food gets whipped away into the corners and crevices where they can't get at it. In planted tanks aeration is bad due to the constant releasing of Co2 from the bubbling and surface agitation effect.

But otherwise fresh oxygen and CO2 being carried away is the benefit from lots of "bubbling" and there really are no damaging effects from too many bubbles.

I hope this helps!
Best of luck!