Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > what other fish can i add?

what other fish can i add?

23 16:19:24

hi, i have a mature tropical tank that I've had for about 4 years now, i would like to add some more fish but not sure on what fish would be best to add with my others, at the moment i have 4 guaramis, 2 catfish, 1 plec, 3 guppys, 1 tiger tetra, 1 barb and 2 eel things (think they are coolie loach), all my fish a very peaceful but would really like to add some more, I've been to my local pet store and they were useless, they couldn't tell me what i can and cant have in my tank, or provide the right info on getting rid of nuscience snails.
hope you can help.

Hey Ann-Mari!

One thing that you failed to mention is the size of your tank.

Please let me know and I will do my best to help!!!

Getting rid of snails involves two options. Either get fish that eat the snails, (most Loach species will) or manually remove the snails by setting a little trap for them. Put a piece of lettuce or zucchini in the tank overnight and take it out as soon as you turn the lights on in the morning. Most snail problems are caused by an overabundance of food fueling their exploding numbers so make sure you aren't overfeeding. But if your tank is big enough, I would try the loaches first.
