Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > BIORB


23 16:19:52

Hi Chloe,

I have a 30 litre biorb and against all odds my fish survive as I am not an expert..!

However I have just changed the filter unit within the tank and for some reason there are no bubbles at all coming out of the bubble bottle.

I am so worried that this provides some sort of air for the fish and that when I come down tomorrow morning with my daughter they will all be dead.

Any ideas what has happened or am I being stupid and the bubbles are just for show!!

Thanks for your help


Hi There,

The bubbles circulate the water to provide oxygen for the fish.
I am not too familiar with biorb's although you may be able to buy a spare part for the pump.
For the time being, i recommend adding an air stone from your local aquarium shop. This does exactly the same thing.

Hope this helps,
Chloe :)