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iresdecent shark

23 15:57:13

irecently noticed a case of ich in my 30 gallon tank.  Ihave been treating it
with quick cure.  only the two sharks seemed to of had it.  one of them seems
to be fine and normal black and silver color.  the other is completly black and
dosent seem to be eating.  It looks like he is completly blind.  Both sharks
have had  a white film over thier eyes for it seems like most of thier  3 plus
years that i have had them.  but the ones eyes look completly black  and
again seems totally blind and not eating.  What if anything can i do to treat

Hi Dusk,

If the shark is blind, you can't fix that. Not even a surgeon could restore his/her vision. However, don't worry, because fish are sensitive to vibrations and smell, and will catch food that way.

Ich can be treated with any commercial parasitical medication, such as Jungle Lab's Ich/Ick clear. Also, raising the temperature during the treatment will help. In fact, the Ich protozoan actually dies at temperatures of 86F - but I would recommend against that, because fish can become stressed at that temperature. Raise the temperature only one or two degrees per hour. Also, add an additional air pump with an airstone during treatment, because high temperatures = less oxygen.

Good Luck, and I hope your shark recovers!