Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Separating 2 oscars?

Separating 2 oscars?

23 16:19:52


Hi Karen

Im looking for some advice.  I have 2 oscars in a 75 gal. They are 5 yrs old 9-10 inches each.  I just recently made a divider with pvc piping and fiberglass screening. I was told on Experts that this combination is ok as long as they are washed well.  One is stressed although they don't usually fight, lately they have been,    They push each other around. Lately the aggressive one is throwing rocks and opening an area so the glass bottom shows.   My question is after a few weeks of division when I  upgrade to a larger tank 100-110 gal, will the oscars get along since they have been divided? OR should I get a separate tank for one?  I plan on making another divider if I go with 2 in the larger tank, just in case.  They may be safer separated.


Hi Fran,
With oscars, its very unpredictable. I can't really say if they will get along or not. All you can do is try. Its always possible that when they are added being put in a new and larger environment they may not fight. So I'd be willing to try it. But be prepared if they still do battle.

I wish you the best with your two water pets! ;-)