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Goldfish Nitrite Issues

23 16:25:40

I have a 55 gallon standard aquarium with a 110 aqua clear hang on filter that has the sponge, activated carbon, ammo bag, and ceramic ring media insert.  I also have a 12 inch bubble wall for extra aeration.  This tank has been set up and running for maybe 3 or 3.5 weeks now.  I hadn't intended to cycle it with fish but I was an idiot who did no research before buying fish and needed to rescue my goldfish out of the biorb they were in and they weren't going to live the 6-8 week cycling period.  I had no access to established tanks and the reputable stores will not give or sell me gravel or filter floss to jumpstart cycling.  So I used some Bio Spira, enough for 90 gallons.  I added the fish: two calico 1.5 inch orandas and a 1.5 inch red cap oranda.  Temp is 70 F, pH is 7.6.  I feed them a variety of veges, shrimp, pellets and flake and I do not overfeed them because I know the danger this can bring.  The only other things I have added to the water are Seachem's Prime, Stability daily as directed, and aquarium salt.  They have been really tough and have shown no signs of stress at all ever.  My questions are about my readings.  I test my tank with a drop kit everyday since it's cycling.  My ammo has always been 0, nitrites 0.25 and nitrates 5.0, even from day one.  The readings have been virtually the same every single day with the exception that the ammonia has tested 0.25 the past couple of days, but the nitrites stay at 0.25 and the nitrates at 5.0.  I know I'm testing it correctly, I have lots of practice : )  I used nothing from their old tank, except one little fake coral deco, from the Biorb (which was still cycling too but about 6 weeks in) and I do 25% water changes every other day, sometimes evey third day when the ammonia is 0.  Is this normal for such a new tank to already have nitrate readings?  Why is the nitrite refusing to budge?  Am I doing something wrong?  Can I use AmQuel Plus to neutralize the ammonia/nitrites or will that affect the cycling process?  Thanks in advance!

Hi April,
Every aquarium cycles a bit differently. I think you are doing an awesome job with your aquarium. You seem to be doing everything right in my opinion. As long as your fish seem to be doing ok, I'd just keep testing my water and giving your aquarium more time.

The nitrite should drop with time. One thing to make sure of is check that your test kits are compatible with the Prime and any other chemicals you might be adding. Sometimes ammonia neutralizers produce false readings with ammonia test kits. Most water conditioners say what test kits they are compatible with.

From what I know... AmQuel Plus should not affect the cycling process. It should be perfectly fine.

Best wishes and I hope this helps!