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Cant kepp Aquarium cool

23 16:18:27

Help! I have a 55 gal freshwater setup: 2 28" 15w bulbs in aluminum reflectors, heater is unplugged, whisper 30-60 waterfall type filter, two whisper power heads for undergravel filter. last three weeks have not been able to keep tank cool. it is currently 84 (not so cool for any of my fish) It is located in a cool basement I exchanged enough water for cold two days ago until temp was 74. It is now 84. Tried unplugging good, heater good. suggestions? I cant imagine what could be heating the water like this. It ran fine all winter and spring, stable at 74-75 deg. Could it be the whisper 30-60? thanks for any help you can give me
dan hoehne

Hello Daniel!

The tetra filter could cause heat. I don't like the tetra filters too much, they over heat easily, but I doubt that would raise your heat that much. Oh, and just so you know for later. They are called HOBs (Hang-on back) filters. I would recommend an Aquaclear 110 HOB, it's the best for your money. Fluval and Eheim and Rena a better, but their canisters cost hundreds.

So then, I'll assume this overheating is caused by the summer temperatures. If so, you have two options.

1) Chiller.

2) Air conditioning.

This is an aquarium chiller. They aren't cheap. (copy and paste into your browser)

Here is a good selection of them. Some pet stores may carry them, but you may have to go to a specialty fish store for them, or order online.
