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White Fungi stuff on rocks in tank

23 16:05:53

I was searching about this white cottony stuff that suddenly appeared in the bottom of one of my tanks.  It is only a 10 gallon tank.  I moved all the fish out of the tank but one.  I am concerned after reading other posts that I might have now contaminated my other tank by moving the fish.  I cant get to a water change until tomorrow night.  Is this going to be a problem for the fish left in the tank and do I now have to worry about the ones I moved killing off my other tank?

Hi Leona,
The white fungus matter that will develop on rocks and other decor is most common in aquariums that don't receive enough frequent cleanings, especially gravel vacuuming. Keep in mind there is something feeding the fungus to keep it growing and thriving. Most likely a buildup of waste, leftover food, and other organic matter.

Your fish should be fine waiting for a water change. Try to remove as much of the fungus as you can with an algae scrubber and a gravel vacuum. You will probably have to repeat water changes daily to get rid of the fungus and the food source its been thriving on.

Its very unlikely you contaminated your other tank by moving the fish. They aren't the ones carrying the fungus. The fungus develops when there is a good growing medium for it.

I hope this helps and best of luck!