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healthy snails/ sick fish

23 16:43:15

I think my tropical fish are sick. Their fins and tails look "eaten". I do have two algae-eating snails in the tank. Any advice on medicine or how to separate the snails? Do I keep them in a bowl of aquarium water? HELP!!!

Hi Rita
Sounds like it's probably fin/tail rot.  Do a water change.  If you're not, start doing water changes at least once a week, changing about 25% of the water if it's not overstocked.  I would first try a product called PimaFix-pet store should carry it.  It's a natural remedy, usually works pretty good if you can catch certain problems quickly before they get out of control.  Snails should be fine with that medicine added to the tank.  

If you don't see improvement after using it for the dosage(the fins and tails do take some time to grow back), you'll need to try something stronger like Maracyn Plus(an antibiotic).  The bottle should say if it's safe for invertebrates or to remove them.  

If you do use an antibiotic, be sure to monitor your ammonia and nitrite levels.  Some antibiotics will kill off the beneficial bacteria in the tank, causing the tank to cycle again.  Usually though, a combination of the frequent water changes and the PimaFix will take care of the problem.  

Hope that helps, and let me know if you have more questions!
