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want to ask for survival of my goldfish

23 15:35:11

hello Renee,

first of all thank you so so much for your fast and absolutely right,perfect suggestion. i don't have words or sentences to say what you did for us by giving instant reply.

After thinking on your suggestion we got 2 option:

1.  we will buy plastic swimming pool at home for them
2.  we will buy back this small tank and will bring bigger for them.

then i have two questions  relating to the above options.

1.     if we buy plastic swimming pool then we will not able to put purifier and temperature controller. is it affect them again or is it right place for my sick fishes?

2.      if we want to buy new and big tank for them then how much gallon tank should we buy if we have 7 goldfishes(size near about 2.5-4 inch) and one carp who is the biggest one in my tank near about 4-5 inch ?

we are not  getting any localize person with trust that he will take care of my fish if he want in free.

just want to tell you another thing we are from pune city, India if you have any contacts from here then we will be thankful to you.
just i observed my fishes and give them food.carp also affected along with all fish but his fins are coming back. now his fin rot is cured up to 90%. we were surprised but rest all are on the same way, their fins are as it is or little bit worst.

also want to ask you till re-homing them or putting them in new big tank shall i change their water daily 30% or 40% is it help them ? i also use water conditioner and anti ich every water change. also i have one herbal medicine name ANTI-EXTERNAL PARASITE T2 ocean free brand. will it help them? but in this treatment i don't have to give them food up to  3 days but my fishes are sick so if i do the same, i worrying about that they will become a weak.

we are waiting for your answer, suggestion. we don't want to loose them they all are our family members and i missing my new exotic fishes and also red cap oranda and common gold whose caps were grown up to 3-4 cm.

Now days i am thinking about them only. help us.
again thank you so much for your useful answer.

Dear Pooja,

I am so happy to hear that some of the fish's fins are coming back.

If you are seeking out an aquarium for the goldfish, I suggest nothing smaller than 30 gallons.

I would put an ample filtration unit on that aquarium, rated for 100 gallons, to filter out their waste.  Goldfish exude much waste.

You don't need to change water constantly once they are transferred.  It has been over a week since you began water changes in the little tank they are in and until they are in another, larger tank, you should still continue to change out water at a rate of 10% every 3 days.  This will keep their waste at a minimum.  Should you see any fish go to the top to breathe, or look distressed, that means there is too much waste in the water, and that day, change 25% instead of 10%.

I hope that is clear...the idea, basically, is to keep their water crystal clear until you can either house them in a second aquarium, or find them a new home. :)

Because you are from Pune, an article came to mind, which I believe you need to read.  It is regarding the detergents in the local water, killing wild fish.  If you are not using filtered water, but are using drinking water, your fish are also breathing detergents.  This cannot possibly be good for them.

In your case, I would highly recommend making sure the filtration unit you use has activated charcoal in it.  It will purify the water to the extent of removing some of the detergents.

You no longer need to use medications.  Their fins are returning.  Let nature take its course now to heal them.  If you notice that they begin to rot again, then resume the anti-ich formula, but for now, don't add it everytime you change water.  Watch the fish.  They should be okay now.

My directions today have changed, because your fish are healing:
1.You can do 10% water changes every 3 days.  If the fish go to the top to breathe, then do 25% instead.

2.You can cease all medications in the water at this point.  Watch the fish.  Make a mental mark in your mind of where the fin deterioration is at, and if you see it returning, then start medicating again.  We need to try to let the fish's own immunity take over to heal itself and medication is great for external issues, but without the fish's immunity, it can't fight.  

3.Begin feeding fish good foods to increase verility.  Some ground garlic in the water would be a real treat for the goldfish.  They love it.  When you feed them, add a clove of ground garlic.

4. If you set up a pool for the fish, treat the water with a dechlorinator chemical.  Add no other chemicals.  Add some live water plants, and a plant who lives off of waste, such as a nice lotus or some lily pads.  The plants will eat the fish's waste.

If you do not set up a pool, an aquarium at least 30 gallons is required to keep them stable.  It will require filtration for double its size.  If you purchase a 30 gallon aquarium, it will require a 60 gallon filter, and so forth.

I truly hope my advice helps and I wish I had contacts in Pune.  I am happy for you that your lovely fish are returning to good health. :)

I send you many hopes for fast recovery!:)

Happy fish-keeping!
