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my fish tanks

23 15:35:11

hello there i have several questions... ok i have a 55 gallon with a midas/or red devil he is about 3.5 inches, 2 convicts 2.5 inches, 1 green terror 2 inches, 1 jack Dempsey 1.5 inches, 1 pleco 3 inches, then 2 African one jewel about 3 inches, and 1 bumble bee 2 inches.... will they be ok in there all together? i try to keep the selection strictly american cichlids but i got a jewel think it was american bu it wasnt then i was like why not get one more so it wont be alone then i got th bumble bee........... no i have a empty 14 gallon going to start the cycle soon i was wondering if i can put a discus or 2 in there? if i can only put one what else should go in with the lonely discus?the 14 is th same measurements as a 10 gallon but taller.

As with any fish in the cichlid family you just never can tell.  You have a lot of fish, all different sizes.  Yet, they are all still in their juvenile stage.  They may be fine in this stage, however, as they grow up things will most likely change.  As they grow they will expand their territories, and aggressive tendencies may grow with their size.  Some people succeed in keeping a group of cichlids like this, but be sure you have plenty of nooks, crannies, caves, plants, or the like to break up the likelihood that the same two keep running into each other once they've made enemies of each other.

 New world cichlids like discus, angelfish, and Ram cichlids are a lot more peaceful than any of the fish you have listed, however discus get to be as large as salad plates, so a 14 gallon would be tight for a discus. Especially since with cichlids of any sort, normally you want an aquarium to be more long than tall.