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Im concerned about my new guppies.

25 9:00:41

I started my aquarium about 3 weeks ago with no fish, trying to start the cycle without killing off any fish. Since all of my ph,nitrate,nitrite,hardness, and alkalinity levels were average I'm assuming the tank cycled.(I'm brand new to this by the way) My tank is 10 gallons, and I just bought 3 guppies to get it started. In the store the fish were very active, and I saw them eat, they were eager and healthy. They have been in my tank now for about 24 hours and they seem to want to huddle in one spot. Not always the same spot in the tank, but they won't separate. I've fed them twice, and they seem to have a good appetite. Is this normal, maybe related to the stress of being moved to a new tank? Any info at all would be appreciated. I just want to make sure my fish are happy and healthy

Hi Megan;

They're just scared. It will take them a few days to get used to their new home. Provide plenty of hiding places for them so they feel more safe. Live plants are great for that and will also help the tank with the cycling process by providing beneficial bacteria. It clings to the plants just like it will to your filter media and other decorations once the tank is finished breaking in.  

To cycle an empty tank, you have to put fish food or something in there so the bacteria has something to eat. If you didn't put anything as a source of "food" for the beneficial bacteria in the empty tank, it didn't start the process until the fish went in there. Here is a link to my article on new tanks to help you through;

Have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins