Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > severums/angelfish


25 9:09:45

I am wondering about the minimum size tank for a gold severum and a green severum together? ---
Also I would like to know if two angelfish can be kept together peacefully? Will they be territorial and show aggression towards eachother? I am not interested in breeding them so if I end up with two of the same sex will they get along? This would be in a 26 gallon tank. Any other tankmates that would go well with them? Thank You for you time.  

Hi Elkim!
I've already answered your question. But it appears something went wrong with the computer and it sent your letter *three times!*

I'll just list the rest of the surplus letters as "Duplicates".

Best wishes, I hope my info is of some help!