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55 gallon fish tank.

23 15:58:09

hello, im having a issue with my fish tank. i set it up a week ago. its been running with only water in the tank because i wasn't sure what type of decor i wanted to go with on the floor of the tank. yesterday which would be the 6th day of running,with the temp at the right temp i wanted and water was crystal clear i decided to go purchase river rocks.when i brought them home i washed them and then put them in the tank, that was around 6pm. when i woke up this morning i noticed the water was cloudy, not to bad but enough to make it noticeable. so after work i replaced 2 gallons with fresh water, but i cant really notice a difference. my question is, should i take out the rocks or is it normal for the tank to get a little cloudy and if so why, and when should it clear up? thanks so much...

Hi Dee;

It's probably just from the rocks. Even with diligent cleaning there can be microscopic particles that will still cause the water to be cloudy. It isn't harmful, just unsightly. It will usually clear up over time but no one can be sure when. It depends on how your filter handles it. If the pores in your filter media are on the larger side it will take awhile.

You could add a product that clears cloudy water. They are available at fish stores. It can take a day or so to really work, but they do actually work. What they do is act kind of like "glue". The product, called a 'flocculent' sticks to the little micro-particles and makes them glue to each other. The particles then become clumps that the filter can pick up much easier. It may look worse for a few hours but then should begin to clear up. The best ones I've found come from a plant extract and the liquid is dark brown color. The ones that are a clear liquid don't seem to work for me as well, but it certainly is up to you what you want to try, and depends on what's available in your area. I like the one at this link the best;

Keep in mind that as your tank breaks in once you add fish it may become cloudy off and on. The product used before may not work anymore because it's from a different cause. The cloudiness during break-in is from your tank trying to biologically balance and the particles could be bacteria, multiplying faster than (or resistant to) the flocculent. Here are some web pages to help you through the first few weeks, and after that too, starting with my own on 'new tank syndrome';

I hope things clear up soon. Have Fun with your new tank!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins