Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > plecostomus


23 15:26:50

I just did a whole tank redo on my 50 thinking I might of had parasites due to all of the fish I were putting in my tank were dying and my two plecos 1- 2 years old and 1- 5 years old eyes were clouding up and they stopped eating, I put the plecos in a 20 gallon with some parasite clear tabs and they are starting to eat again, when can I put the plecos back in my "new tank" and is there an algae additive I can put in there. I have no other fish anymore at this time they have all died within two weeks of putting them in the "old tank"

Hi Tim!
Sorry to hear about the loss of your fish, you can put the fish back in once the tank has been fully clean. You can try the Tetra Algae Control for the annoying algae. For the old tank, just clean it, rinse the gravel/sand/etc and the plastic plants or decor. Then pour back in tap water/pure water. Try the API Stress Coat/Zyme. Stress Coat, with the healing power of Aloe Vera, is scientifically proven to reduce fish stress and heal damaged tissue.  It forms a synthetic slime coating and replaces the natural secretion of slime that is interrupted by handling, shipping, fish fighting, or other forms of stress.  Helps reduce susceptibility to disease and infection.  Helps heal torn fins and skin wounds.  Reduces electrolyte loss.  Also works instantly to remove chlorine, chloramines and ammonia from tap water.  Neutralizes heavy metals. Use when starting a new aquarium, adding or changing water and adding fish.
Stress Zyme improves the development of the biological filter and helps clean a dirty aquarium. Contains over 300 million live bacteria per teaspoonful. Breaks down organic compounds that cause dangerous conditions such as ammonia and nitrite poisoning and low oxygen levels. Continuous use assures an active biological filter, cleaner aquarium, healthier fish and good water quality. No refrigeration necessary. Use when setting up and maintaining an aquarium.
Hope this helps! :D