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New To Fish keeping

23 16:15:06

Im all new to this fish keeping stuff so i apologize if i say anything stupid. Anyways I bought and a set new tank about 4 days ago. I have 2 fantail fish in 3 gallon tank. My filter is a Aquaone ClearView 200, 200 L/Hr external filter my ammonia levels are at 1.5 mg/l and so far Ive changed 30% of the water every day for the past 2 days to lower it down, my tank is all foggy and my fish start to dart around every time i turn the tank light on so i was wondering if you can help me out at all. Ive been accidentally overfeeding my fish for the first 2 days Ive had them and now theirs all fish food in the gravel and when i change 30% of the water it doesn't give me enough time to clean all out. All help would be appreciated.
thank you

Hi Ismail;

You don't have to apologize. The information you have provided is very helpful. You can't find out what you need unless you ask someone who can give you the right info. That's what I'm here for...

The problem you have is that the tank is just too small for goldfish. It is a common myth that goldfish can live in small tanks and bowls. Your tank is only big enough for a Betta or a guppy or something because they stay small and aren't big eaters. The ammonia is never going to go down in your little tank because goldfish are just very messy guys that eat a lot get very large. It will get worse as they grow, if they survive until you can get a larger tank. For one goldfish to thrive it needs a ten gallon tank at the very minimum. A new tank also has to go through the "Break-In Period" too. I would drain the tank every day to keep ammonia as low as you can and get them a bigger tank as soon as you can. Here is a web page about goldfish and their needs;

Here's my own page about New Tank Syndrome, also called the "Break-In Period", or "Cycling";

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins