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Angel Fish Fin Rot

23 15:37:15

I set up my first tank. 48G. Left it for 5 days before adding 4 Angel Fish. Tested the water before the fish went in and it was all within normal ranges. I have lost 3 out of the 4 fish over the first night. Fish showed signs of fin and tail rot. Would they have been bought like this? or could it have developed so quickly over night. Should I loose the last one which is looking likely what should I do to clean the tank etc.. Was it something i did or did I not buy carefully enough


The fin rot most likely came WITH the angelfish, from the pet store and they need to be frozen and then returned to the store so they can see they sold you bad fish.

Next time, put them in a hospital tank, pre-treated with medication.  If they have fin rot, it will go away and then you can introduce them into your tank, and if they die while hospitalized, they can be refunded.

I'd begin water changes to get any fungus out of the tank.  You might want to throw a dose of Quick Cure in there to kill any remaining fungus.

Good luck.
