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Injured Convict

25 9:12:10

Hi there. I have a convict and another fish from the same family (cant recall the name). I have recently noticed that the convict's orange spot on its belly is more orange than usual. Unfortunately when I took a closer look, I noticed that the orange was in fact flesh. It seems the other fish bit the convict. Looking closely at the wound, i noticed that it seems infected as it is swollen around the gills. She seems to be doing fine otherwise, though the other fish still picks on her, occasionaly. Is there anything I can do to help the fish heal?  


If she is a bigger sized fish, she should be able to heal fine on her own. To prevent infection though, you should add an antibacterial (such as Melafix) as well as maybe some freshwater aquarium salt. My cichlids fight lots as well, and usually they heal on their own.

I hope this helps.

From Stephanie