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live foods

25 9:12:11



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Question -
I want to learn how to cultur live foods for my fish. i mainly want to culture earth worms but my question is, how do you culture them? and also can you feed this to your fish and not any other live foods? i also want to know what you should feed baby fish after they're born cause once i got a male betta from the pet store and it started haveing kids and i didn't know what to feed the kids so they all died and the adult died from the stress of loosing them i think

Answer -
Hi Debra,
Thanks for your letter. Sad story about the Betta. I thought they only sold male bettas, but who knows.
Here's my page for easy aquarium care:
You can print it out for future reference.
As far as live food, best way to get started is to find an aquarium shop that sells live food. They can show you how to take care of it.
Beware of over feeding. Sometimes it takes a while for fish to digest live food, so feed less often, like every other day.
Any other questions, just E.
thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question you don't really have to reply to this. "hugs" i'm a kid by the way and i was thinking of just once in a while giving them live foods for a treat.

Hi Debra,
Good to get started young. Once you get the hang of it, you can have aquariums as a hobby anytime. Live food once in a while is okay, but give them 48 hours to digest it and make sure no food is left in the tank uneaten.
Hugs & hooray for the fishes!