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Plants and snails

25 9:17:53

Hi I have two questions one is that we have just started a new tropical fishtank using the tropiquarium 68 fishtank.  We only have about 10 small fish at the moment and three live plants but recently one plant has started going brony black on its leaves as if it is dying or decomposing why would this be?

Secondly I went away this weekend and came back to find a snail in the tank a small black one HOW? and WHERE would it come from?




Your plant is probably dying/decomposing because there is not enough light. I recommend using double the amount of a normal tank and they have to be UV lights. For example, if usually you have one bulb, have two instead. If this isn't the case then it could be that the plant was unhealthy and got a plant rot of some kind. I recommend adding plant food to your water every week.

Second, the snail probably some how got in there when you were sold some of your fish. Sometime they too get netted and you don't even notice it until you get home. This has happened to me before. Hopefully he's not a problem for you.

Well, good-luck!

From Stephanie