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boiled peas

25 9:20:53

hello! i got a Question...

Y'see, i got a couple 5 inch golfish and other two smaller ones in a 15 gallon tank, i heard that i can feed them some boiled peas in small chunks as a variation of their diet. Well, i told my dad about it and he thought it was a good idea but kinda missed the boiling part, so after few days i noticed he was feeding the fishes raw (unboiled) peas.

Now, i saw the fishes were doing well  with the peas twice a week but still i told my dad he should boil them, he did but then the peas didnt float too well making them more difficult for the fishes to eat; besides the water got horribly murky almost overnight.

Well my question is : Is it wrong if we use raw peas instead of boiled? the fishes seem to do just fine with them and my dad chops them (the peas) very thin with a sharp knife but i still fell uneasy thinking it could be more difficult for the fishes to digest, What do you think?

thank you very much.

                                   steevie woo
                                   Mexico city


If the fish seem to like them I wouldn't worry about it. I usually cook them so they are soft, but thinly sliced sounds fine to me. There are more vitamins in uncooked foods anyway.

There is a another problem you will have with your fish though. Your fish are too big for their tank. Goldfish are deep-bodied, and very messy fish that need plenty of room. They may seem okay right now, but they can't get enough exercise in such a small area. They really should be in a 50 gallon tank. Even a 30 would be better than what they have right now if you can get one. Make plenty of water changes, like 25% twice a week. This will help them stay healthier until you can get them a larger home.

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