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Fish spitting out food

23 16:37:12

QUESTION: I have a 26 gallon fresh water tank. I have about 7-8 fish. I feed them the standard Tetra flake food that's been around forever. But they always eat the food then spit it out. They continue eating it after that and peck on the bottom when it all floats down there. But i don't recall ever having fish do this in the past. I have a test kit and have gone thru it and everything seems to be about right. What could be the problem? Why does this usually happen? thanks....

ANSWER: Fish food does not stay good indefinately.  You don't say what type of fish you have, but different fish have different needs.  I would go buy some new food at your earliest convenience, as if the food is that old I'm sure it can't be good for them.  Be sure to buy the proper food for yoru fish though.  If I can help you out with anything else, write me back.

Good luck!!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks Trish.... unless the food was bad when i bought it I dont think it's the issue cause they've been sptting it out since i bought this food (i also at one time switched to the Tetra Pro food that's a little more like wafers). Sorry i forgot to mention what kind of fish i have: 1 apollo shark, 2 marble angels, 3 black tetras, an algae eater, and 2 clown loaches. they always spit the food out and eat it again and spit it out some more. I see the angels especailly always diving down to the bottom and pecking at I guess whatevr bits land down there. any suggestions on other types of food I can try? freeze dried? etc? thanks again....

Hehehe, I misunderstood, I thought you said you've had the food forever!!  Sorry about that.  Actually, some fish do not like certain foods and they do spit it out, sometimes the flakes are too big for them (in that case, crumble them a little before you put them in.....I do that) and sometimes they are just messy eaters. I wouldn't worry too much unless they start looking really thin. They're probably getting more then you think. You can buy frozen foods for them (daphnia, brine shrimp, etc.) and freeze dried food such as blood worms, brine shrimp, krill. You can also give them fresh fruits and veggies! My fish love orange slices, zucchini, cucumber slices, chopped spinach and broccoli. There are a bunch of websites you can look up feeding fruits and veggies on. Basically just get a food clip for the tank, slice a piece (take off outer skin) and put it in the tank. Leave it for a few hours and take out what's left, if any!! You can feed the fresh fruits and veggies right along with their regular food.

Ok, this is unsolicited advice but I felt I had to mention it.  You have a shark and 2 clown loaches (as well as others) in a 26 gallon tank. I wanted to make sure that you realize that your clown loaches will get to be about 6+" and the shark will get up to 8+" and likes to be in schools.  When these fish get bigger, you will definitely need to find them a new home (i.e. bigger tank or adoption). If not, their growth will be stunted and their lifespan will be greatly reduced. This is totally up to you though, I just thought I'd bring it to your attention.

I'd love to help if you have any other questions. Please feel free to contact me any time, I enjoy being able to help others.  I hope you found this info helpful also.

Take good care and good luck.   ;o)