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cichlid ( sicklett)

23 16:36:47

I don't know anything really about fish, I am learning as I go. My son moved across the states and left his 55 gallon fish tank with me with 2 sicklets ( cichlid ) and a sucker fish ( it goes around sucking all the stuff on the fish tank.) I have had them now for about 6 months. about a month/month 1/2 I noticed ones stomach getting big. I went to the pet shop they told me she was pregnant. But now her stomach is getting bigger and she is turning black with a little color. She was silver w/ a little blue and green and orange spots on her fins. the other is still silver and no big stomach. It seems as time goes on she gets bigger and blacker? Can you help. I really don't think this is normal, and I want to help her.

Hi Lynne,
I can't be entirely sure why your one cichlid would be bloated because there can be several causes to this. The first thing I'd be leery of is Malawi bloat. Other things could be constipation, internal bacterial infection, or eggs as the petstore said. Malawi bloat is generally associated with African cichlids but I'm not entirely sure of the species your fish is. You can read more about Malawi bloat here-

If you still aren't sure you can email me pictures of the fish at this address-

Your fish may be getting ready to spawn or she may be actually sick. If she goes off her food or seems stressed otherwise then treating with an antibiotic such as Maracyn-plus might be best. If a bacterial infection is suspected then moving her to her own hospital tank and treating either with a medication or medicated food would be best. But don't make sudden decisions about treating until you are sure about what your fish has.

I really hope this helps and best of luck with the little cichlid!