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newer fish

23 16:14:14

QUESTION: hi my husband and i just got a new fish tank 20 gallons with a bunch of platies and a big sucker fish they were doing fine it seemed but we cleaned and refiled the tank and five have died an a hour. i'm wondering what could have gon wrong. the ph says normal as does the temp. do they dye when the deliver or something? and also they all have these wierd stringy things hanging from them. we thought mabye the were formating but the fall off. it seem the dye right away after they fall off. would appricate quick response . :)

ANSWER: Hi Simoni,
When you cleaned your tank. Was there any chance of chemicals like soap or other contaminates getting into the water from your hands or any cleaning materials? Did you make sure to use plenty of water conditioner with the new replacement water?

Also, new tanks have to go through "cycling" which means establishing beneficial bacteria to keep ammonia and nitrite levels down (from fish waste) and during that time, ammonia can buildup and be -very- dangerous to fish until the bacteria get established enough to handle it.

You can easily test for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates (the end product the bacteria convert the ammonia and nitrites to)

But otherwise, water changes are the best defense against ammonia toxins. About 50% is needed at a time, but make sure that your new water is treated with a water conditioner and it is equal or a bit warmer in temperature.

The stringy-things might be excess slime due to a stress response to poor water quality or toxins in the water.

I hope this helps!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you for responing and no more have seemed to die but we did get three new oto somithings and gave them a piece of zuccini but all the platies seem to be eating it is that okay for them?

ANSWER: Hi there, you're welcome!

Good to hear no more fish are lost. I love Ottos or "Ottocinclus" catfish, but they are usually just called ottos or oto cats for short. Otos love zucchini and pretty much everything a pleco will eat also vegetable wise. But they will also munch on algae wafers.

Platies love vegetables too as you have found out! It won't do them any harm and its a good healthy supplement to their diet.

I hope this helps!!!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you again lol we have at least 25 platies in our 20 gal tank we sold the pleco seeing as he was 7in and we no we need to get rid of some platies to i was wondering how many fish is it okay to have in the 20 gal tank? were going to trim the platies to four and three otos is it safe to buy anymore or just leave it as it is? and if we can get more what should we get? that will do well with our tank and other fish?

Hi, you're welcome!
So you are planning on reducing the platies to just four along with three otos?  That's be perfect. Some other fish that would get along and compliment the platies is smaller tetra species such as Black phantoms, Lemon tetras, Neons, Bloodfins, Glowlights, Bleeding hearts ect... Rasboras also look good with platies and get along fine. Cories are always good tankmates for almost any community fish.

I hope this helps!