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fish tank products

25 9:16:07

if i was to make a product which measured the level of the water and the heat level at the same time would it be a good product  

Dear Timothy,
If it were electronic and was clear and easy to read...Go for it! I would give it a try and see how it goes. Accuracy,usability, and long lasting are things you should remember with something like that.

Unfortunately there are a few products that measure pH and Temperature by simple handheld devices and show up as electronic number readings. But if there was one that measured that AND ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate readings plus hardness levels that would be likely be a very good product. Aquarists often consider test strips to be a hassle and if there were a handheld device that had results in seconds and there was little trouble to it--that would definantely be good. Now, if it wasn't expensive!

I really hope this helps! GOOD LUCK!