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Discus eating habit

25 9:09:16

I have a 30 Gal tank. I have two angle fish and 1 honey Gourmet. I bought the two discus together and all the fish are getting along. I have noticed that one of the discus has gotten bigger but the other does not seem to be growing. I noticed lately it hides from the other fish, and I think it is not eating enough.
What should I do.

Thank you



It could just be a shy fish who is not accustomed to the eating patterns of your tank.

If the food you use floats on the surface, then maybe try some that will sink to your disucs. And the other way around as well, if the food you use sinks, try some that will float. A combination of these two types a food will ensure that any fish with any eating habit will get some food.

Also, if these fish are new then give them at least a week to allow them to adjust to their new tank. Some fish just go crazy in a new home, but settle right down after a while.

Finally, discus like their water quite warm. If it will not affect your other fish, try and keep your water at around 82 F so that your sensitive discus can have adequate water conditions.

I hope this helps.

From Stephanie