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30 gallon startup

23 16:08:57

I have a 30 gal tank and am wondering if I can put (3) pearl gouramis with (6) checkerboard barbs (5)dwarf loaches (6)Harlequin rasboras and have a peaceful environment

Hi Paul,

I love your sort of Asian biotope you have planned there! I only have experience with the harlequin rasboras and the pearl gouramis...your question would be perfect to post on a forum, so you can get multiple feedback. is one example.

My gut feeling is that this is a few too many fish. Even going by the "inch per gallon" rule (which is more accurate with slender fish such as you are primarily stocking with) you have over 45 inches of fish planned in a 30 gallon tank. The loaches are quite sensitive to water quality, which might be hard to keep up with given the heavy stocking.

I would say go with two pearl gouramis, a male and a female. They are not difficult to sex, just look for the fringes on the male's fins and the brighter orange chest, the male is also a little bigger than the female. Here's a picture, clearly showing the fringes on the male:

Then go with either the checkerboard barbs or the harlequin rasboras, but not both. This will give you room to add another dwarf loach, since half a dozen is a better number for these highly social creatures. That will give you a more reasonable 34 inches of fish:
2 pearl gouramis (about 7"),
6 checkerboard barbs or 6 harlequin rasboras (about 12")
and 6 dwarf loaches (about 15")

You could try all of the fish you planned, but it might be chaotic and the biological load could cause persistent nitrate problems. Also, pearl gouramis do better in pairs. If you do go with three, make sure you get one male and two females, or all females...but not two males.

I hope that you will repost on a forum, since others might have more to add, especially others who have kept the dwarf loaches and checkerboard barbs - which I've never seen offered for sale here.

Take care!