Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > gravel?


23 15:39:56

Is there a difference between gravel for normal goldfish and for tropical fish? I have two tanks, one goldfish 'spot' and 6 tropical fish. Spot is very big so i decided to swap him into the larger tank which previously had the tropical fish in it. However i did not swap the gravel over and now i wondering if i should have. Can you help please?

Hi Lynn,
Goldfish usually peck at gravel to find loose food, its best if the gravel isnt the size of the goldfish's mouth because its gets lodged very easily and will have to be manually removed.  Goldfish also are cold water fish and require a different temperature than tropical fish. Goldfish like temperatures 62F-70F whereas tropicals like 70F-80F.