Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Filters


23 15:41:14

I see you build youre own filters,you cant perhaps tell me how i can do the same??



I make my own sponge filters. I have no problem telling you how to do it.

Things you will need:

1. A sponge that is safe for use in an aquarium. I use pond sponges number 3
2. pump
3. air hose
4. a piece of ridged air tubing, if you don't want any water current in the tank. If you want the current than you can use old style round womans hair curler. The size depends on how big you want the filter.
5. any suction cup to hold the filter in place.
6. small rubber bands
7. air stone

  Cut the filter to fit your ridged air hose or curler. I use rubber bands to hold the sponge on the air tube or curler to keep it tightly together. Rubber bands don't decay. When they look like they are getting too loose, just replace them with new ones. When you do that you either have a curler with the filter sponge or the ridged air tube. At the very tip, add the suction cup to the tube and place it in the tank. Next, connect the air stone to the pump and air tubing. The air stone fits perfectly in the curler or air tube. Plug the pump in and there you go. I raise Betta fish and I use these in their tanks. I also use them in my fry tanks. The fry will not get sucked into the filter. These work better for me than the ones that you buy in the store.

Hope this was understandable and if you need any more help let me know.