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sorts of tanks

23 16:52:43

i have a 20L tank...and 4 small angel fishes like 1.5inches... do u think this tank is too small for them?
and what breeds do u recommend to me for this type of tank? i also have a 45L tank. should i put them in there if the 20L is too small for them? and do all tropical fish all need a heater, or is it just for durring the colder months?
thanx for ya help^^


I will start with your simple question first, yes all tropicals needs a heater, not just in the colder months. In the summer months if it gets really warm you could possibly turn your heater off but we get 45 degree days here in summer and we haven't turned out heater off yet.

Ideally because Angels are tall bodied fish, they require ideally a tank that is 2ft high (yes I know not ideal but for the best environment for the fish, that is preferred). Aside from that a 45 litre tank just isn't big enough for them. Even at 1.5 inches you will find that if you were to put them in there, they would soon outgrow the tank and you would have to buy an new tank and transfer them!

As for what breeds would suit your 20litre tank, you would be limited because of its size and so I would recommend smaller tropicals such as Zebra Danios, Rummy Nose Tetra's, Glowlight Tetras, Mollys etc etc, anything small really that doesn't get to a considerable size and be careful not to overstock,

Hope this helps!

Cheers! Rach