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High Nitirite

23 15:28:29

We have a 60 gallon saltwater tank that houses a dog face puffer, triger and a couple of damsels....we also have live rock.  Despite 3 partial water changes and the addition of AmQuel, we have not been able to bring our Nitrite any lower than the stress level.  Over the weekend our dog face seems to be listless.  He lays at the bottom of the tank and does not swim except to eat.  

So, two questions for you.  What if anything can we do to lower that level and do you think that the puffer is just stressed or reacting to the high level?

Hi Jenny,

Well, first of all, my first suggestion is to be sure you're not using a canister filter.  If you are, that is why your nitrates are high.  They are nitrate factories.  The fish will eventually die from using one.  People don't clean them enough while using them with saltwater fish.  Saltwater canisters need cleaned on a weekly basis.  No less.  Otherwise, they fill up with nitrates and filter back into the tank.

If you are not using one, then I suggest checking your filtration.  Getting a refugium is a good solvent to high nitrates.

You should have zero nitrates.

The puffer will die form nitrate poisoning before other fishes, as they are susceptible on a higher scale.

I suggest an immediate 50% water change, and 10% throughout the week, every couple days, til the water siphons out and is again spotless.

If using tap water, stop.  Use only R/O water for your puffer.

Sincerely, I hope this helps you out and I will cross my fingers for the little guy.

Happy fish-keeping.