Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > african dwarf frog in biorb

african dwarf frog in biorb

23 16:35:54

Are you using the default ceramic media that comes with it?  I have a 16 gallon
biorb and am using the media with 1 african dwarf frog in the tank by himself.  I
drop in 3 frog pellets in the morning and 3 at night, but he never goes after
them.  I see the pellet drop into the media and then I lose sight of it.  Please tell
me about your experience with african dwarf frogs in your biorb.  Thanks!

Hi Chris,
Feeding african dwarf frogs can be tricky. It would be best if you could directly feed them. They may not go after the frog pellets because Dwarf frogs prefer meatier types of food. I would try to thaw some bloodworms, glass worms, tubifex, or Brine shrimp and using an eye dropper. Putting some in front of the little frogs noses. Usually they will take to it right away and this is generally the best way to feed them. Some people also have a little dish in the tank where they put the frogs food so it doesn't run a risk of being lost in the media .

For more info on frogs, you can read here on this wonderful informative website-

Best wishes and I hope this helps!