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fresh water mussel

23 15:42:17

I found a mussel when I was cleaning an old aquarium which was given to me - it was living well in my tank. We had to do a major water clearing/cleaning in the tank and my neighbor put the mussel in a mixture of clorox and water//I found it about 20 minutes later.  I put it in the now clean tank and it seemed fine. It's shell was just a little bit opened -- it is now opened about  1/8"- does it sound like it is sick or dead, or perhaps just hungry?  Thanks so much any ideas will be appreciated

Hi there,
Mussels are fascinating species that are quite helpful in freshwater aquariums due to their ability to remove uneaten food and detritus from the water.

I'm really unsure of how well such a critter could survive the clorox/water solution. That seems like it'd be -very- harsh. But still, you may have saved it just in time but unfortunately I cannot guarantee such an occurrence.

Probably the best thing to do is tap the shell a bit and see if the clam reacts by shutting it quickly. If not, there may be something wrong. Keep a watch out and make sure if you suspect anything (like the shell won't close when you touch) that you check that the clam isn't dead. Dead clams will produce a bad smell also.

Best wishes and I hope this helps!