Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > goldfishs mouth looks glued shut

goldfishs mouth looks glued shut

23 16:41:46

We noticed my son's goldfish looked whitish and had some red spots. We started treating with Pimafix and a fungus-clear tank buddies tablet (and added extra salt). White may be receding (not sure)but today I noticed his mouth seems odd, not opening like normal (can see bottom lip move but top seems rounded and immobile), and didn't even try to eat food from surface though dug about on bottom as usual (never saw mouth open).
1) is red spot going to be treated by Pimafix?
2) more important, will mouth open again, and or, what to do if anything?
Thanks for your help

Hi Dawn,
Sorry about the goldfish.
I'm honestly not sure about goldfish's mouth. I'm wondering if his lips were infected with a fungal or bacterial infection that's caused them to look odd. Or maybe he has something stuck in his mouth? Goldfish are notorious for getting gravel stuck in their mouths. But this may not be the case. The best I can recommend is to keep watch on the little fish's condition.

The red spots probably won't be treated by the Pimafix. It would be good if you could describe your fishes symptoms a little better if you wouldn't mind please. Is the whitish color like a film over the goldfish? If so, it could be a fungal-type infection, which fungus clear may help. But I've also heard of certain parasites causing a blueish white film over the fish.

The red spots are also a trick thing to diagnose. They may also indicate certain parasites, or a bacterial infection, or just irritated skin. Is there any way you could provide a picture? Providing a link through "" would be the easiest probably. Or you could also email me a picture if you like. Just request my email in the next letter and be sure to set the next letter to "Private"

Here are some links to websites that may help you diagnose your fish's condition a little better.
Diagnosing fish diseases is one of the hardest things to do, even for experts. The best thing I can say is start doing daily large water changes (at least 50%) which will help keep the poor goldfish's immune system up and reduce the amount of "germs" so-to-speak in his environment. And keep using the medications you have for now.

Here are the links...

Best of luck!
I hope this helps,