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Molly fry

23 15:26:59

I have 1 day old Molly fry (11 in total) in a breeders net,
they are alive and are all staying on the bottom of the breeders net.
The net is located in a 20 gal. Tank which is holding my 9 guppy fry
Until they are big enough to go into my other 20 gal. Tank that holds
The adults. As stated earlier, the Molly fry aren't swimming much they
Just stay on the bottom and scoot around (in a wiggle motion) I have
Raised Molly fry before and they swam instantly so I was wondering
If this is normal with my newest batch of fry? I also have an air stone
In the tank for added oxygen.

If the molly fry and the guppy fry are the same age, you can actually put them all in the tank together. The fry just might not be a good batch. It could be the parents that are producing bad fry. All you can do is keep an eye on them and hope they get better. Water quality can also be a factor. Test the water daily with a liquid test kit. Make sure the ammonia and nitrite are at zero at all times. Also, make sure you are doing the water changes as well. Don't forget they are tropical so they need a heater. Good luck and if you have any more concerns or questions don't hesitate to ask.