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white spot!

23 16:39:31

I have recently started to keep goldfish, i have had them about three weeks now. I have a 35 litre tank.  At first i had a problem with new tank syndrome then everything was sorted out. Then one goldfish developed white spot.  I purchased anti white spot plus by INTERPET and started dosing the required amount.  By dosing with this the medication leaflet said i had to remove the zeolite/carbon media from filter and since then the water has went cloudy and dirty which from what i understand is the amonia level.  I still need to wait another 5 days before replacing the media or redosing if whitespot still present but if thats the case wont do much good for the water.  What shall i do?

Hi Gary
Do you have a test kit?  IF so, what's the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrates reading?  
Cloudy water doesn't necessarily mean there's ammonia.  When I rinse or change out my filter floss(I use filter floss instead of those pads), the tank gets all gunky and cloudy looking from all the stuff trapped in the filter floss.  It clears up within a few hours when I replace it.  Using a test kit is the only way to tell for sure if there's ammonia present.

Now, you said the tank was sorted out, did you end up with ammonia and nitrites at 0 ppm?  If not, then the tank never really cycled completely.  And, honestly after 3 weeks, I doubt it was compeltely cycled.  Usually takes bout 4-8 weeks to complete that.  Are you using one of those blue filter pads with the carbon inside it?  If so, you can cut a small slit at the end, and dump the carbon out and replace the filter pad.  Carbon isn't really needed all the time in a tank.  It's really only good for removing medicines or removing odors.  And it's only good for a short period of time, off hand I don't recall what that is.  The problem with removing your filter and it being such a new tank, most of your beneficial bacteria that was growing, was growing on your filter pad that you removed :)  If you let it dry out, it's dead, and you'll need to pretty much cycle your tank all over again(go through the new tank syndrome).

I'm not familiar with that Interpet product, heard of it but not sure about it.  When treating for ich, you really need to treat for about 3 weeks, not sure what the package says.  What temperature do you have the tank at?  You can slowly over the course of a day or two raise the temperature to 27 C/82 F, and add some aquarium salt at 1 tablespoon per 19 litres/5 US gallons.  I prefer that method for treating ich, a bit less stressful on the fish.  
How many goldfish do you have in there? Honestly, really only 1 would be somewhat suitable for your tank size.  It's recommended to have a minimum of 57 litres for 1 goldfish, some say 38 litres is acceptable to start out.  Depending on what kind of goldfish you got, they grow over 30+cm.  

Let me know if you have more queestions.
