Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > i have new baby guppys

i have new baby guppys

23 16:42:11

i went on vacation for a week and when i came back i had like 14 baby fish swimming around!im pretty sure they are guppys but i dont know, i know that the two fish i had before were medium sized fish and one was orange, the other black and white spotted. they are fresh water fish. i have a question on what to feed them and should i move them away from this other adult fish i have that isnt their parent? -samantha

Hello. Awww thats cute. Yes, move the baby fish into a new tank because the other fish will most likely eat them. When they reach ten days old you can start feeding them. You will have to feed them three times a day but very small ammounts. You can feed them baby brine shrimp or flake food and even ground up hard boiled egg yoke! Good luck with your babies!