Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > i have oscars and high ammonia

i have oscars and high ammonia

23 16:43:11

hi dillion,  here is my questions/concern  i have a 36 gallon tank with 2 oscars a red snook, 2 silver somethings.  ha ha and 2 algae eaters(small).  we have had the tank for about 2 weeks which is new.  we set it up and the ph and the nitrate are normal now but the ammonia is off the chart.  it has gone from green to dark blue/black.  what can i do for that or do i need to wait?  i change abotu 30% of the water every 3 days or so.  i clean the bottom as well.  do i need to change all of the water or what?  all other levels are fine.  ammonia is worrying me but no fish have died yet except the 2 dragon fish which after they died we changed out the water and took them out now the rest are fine.

With oscars you will nedd a 75 gallon for just the oscars because they produce lots of waste and they get a size of 14 inches as their max. size they will need a bigger tank to swim around in. The reason your ammonia is high is because your tank is very over crowded to keep the ammonia at 0 and have all the same fish in the same tank you would need a tank of 125 gallons and depending on the type of algae eaters you will probaly need a bigger tank. I'm sorry about the surprising news some petstores say that certain fish will be fine in a certain tank with others i'm sorry that person the petstore worker had to lie to you.