Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > I have some bad news :-(

I have some bad news :-(

25 9:06:57

At approxiately 4:30pm this afternoon, I returned home with a bottle of (Amquel Plus), I was so happy, like a kid on Christmas morning, knowing that within minutes, I was going to break down some of this high level of Ammonia in my Planted tank! A friend of mine called and I had to step out for no more than 1 hour(the most) so what I did was pour 15ml of Amquel in my tank, thinking that it was a detoxifer like Ammo Lock( shit! I should have used that!)I could of sworn I read 5ml per 10gal. so, 15ml for 33gal. is not going to be too much, especially if it's going to prolong the Ammonia for another hour or so until I got back, but the thing is I put it in PURE, I don't know ....Maybe I put in 3 cAPS OF 10ML(30ML pure)
anyway, I come back home and (Jesus have Mercy on Me, please)out of 25 fishes( all nice size ones Cardinals, a school of Rasboras, penguins, black neons, I can't go on, seriously!!!! I REALLY UPSET RIGHT NOW!!!! EVERYONE of them died! i must of suffocated them, because i re-read the bottle and it says, ths chemical with deplete the oxygen, but since my ammonia problem, I've been having my airstone on full blast( two of them) anyway, I killed everything except the 2 corys, and right now one of them is shedding some scales, so I don't think it's gonna make it through tonite.
I wasa suppose to dilute the damn thing in a water change, wasn't I?
For anyone reading this, be very careful, just a     tiny capful can cause respitory failure in your fish, I blame myself, and not for one second Hold Amquel responsible, just for the record, I screwed up.

So I emptied my tank, cleaned everything off. especially the gravel, filled it back up. and now I'm starting all over!!

I just wanted to relay this message to you, tell your readers to be careful using these chemicals, especially Amquel, because not only is it a strong detoxifier for chemical in tap water, this stuff used the wrong way will kill everything in your tank, IF you go about it the wrong way, read the label carefully,and  DO NOT OVERDOSE!!!!!!
Weather is absolutely gorgeous thtis evening, low 60's, no clouds and plenty of stars out tonite, but it's gloomy for me.;-(

Wow, Tommy I can't even imagine having something like that happen to me!

I don't think Amquel plus could have killed off your fish... That is really odd. I've never heard of it. Did you have the ammolock in the aquarium as well as the Amquel? Maybe this was the overload of too many or too much chemicals.

Amquel usually doesn't have to be diluted. But maybe there was too much of the other chemicals in your aquarium that proved too much for your fish?

This is just a thought I'm not saying this is what it is.

I feel very bad for you. These things can just happen sometimes. It's best to learn from these lessons and move on. If you have anymore concerns, feel free to write me. I'm always here to help.

Good to hear the weather is good in your area. It's still too warm here. :-(

Best wishes as always,