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Cichlid Compatibility

23 15:27:27

"can i keep green terror, severum jewel and a blood parrot with blue powder and kodango cichlid?
i will buy  3 inch kodango and blue powderand electric yellow and the rest of the fishes around 1-1.5 inches with plenty of caves
are the fishes compatible with each other?"
and can i keep silver dollars and rainbow shark or a red tail

Hi Sammy

Blue Powder Cichlids, Electric Yellow Cichlids and Kodango Cichlid are African Cichlids. Green Terror, Severum and Blood Parrots are South American Cichlids. Therefore they are not compatible with each other. African Cichlids require a much higher pH than South Americans.

In a very large tank, 65 gallons or more, you could keep Silver Dollars, a Redtail Shark with Green Terror, Blood Parrots and Severums. You will only be able to keep one Redtail Shark in the tank, or one Rainbow Shark. You cannot keep more than one because they will fight each other.

Hope this helps, good luck!
