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tropical fish guppies males and females

23 15:38:01

i would like to ask why my fish are itching themselves on the stones in bottom of the tank.
i have today found three guppies dead so i removed them i also have a large kissing gurami and one silver normal sized gurami and a dwarf gurami now i bought the silver one recently it is since i bought this one we are seeing fish dying in the tank do you think it is the silver gurami as the dead fish are half eaten

Melanie, it sounds like your fish have ich. The first thing I suggest you do is gradually increase the temperature in the tank to 82-84 degrees and put an air stone in. The increase in temperature will cause the oxygen to deplete, the air stone will take care of that. Next, purchase medication for ich at your pet store and follow the directions on the package. It is important to always quarantine new fish for a period of 2 weeks. That way if your fish has a disease, it will not affect your other fish. As far as the half eaten fish go, all fish will eat other fish (dead or alive) If your fish don't improve in about 5 days, or they get worse, please let me know and we'll try something else. I hope this information helps.