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Sick Flame Dwarf Gourami

23 15:27:28

Hi Jaymie,
It's me again, Nick. My gourami has met its maker. :( But any information would definitely help me in the future. So, the white spots indeed, look like salt sprinkled over it, but only on and around the tail. At first, the white patch was just a patch, then a bulge grew and some cotton like fungus grew on the patch too. How do i solve problems like these, if there are any, in the future.
Thanks so much :)


Sounds like he had Ich and some fungus. Both of these problems are brought on by bad water quality. Keeping the water clean by doing weekly water changes is a good way to help the fish. Even though you have a filter, water changes are a must. Make sure the water temp is correct for the type of fish you are keeping and that the filter is the right size. Ich is easily treated with medication if treated early as is fungus. Just make sure whatever medication you use you follow the directions so not to harm the fish. Good luck with your next fish and if you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.