Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > new 90 gallon

new 90 gallon

25 9:00:24

Hi Stephanie,
I have set up a used 90 gallon tank I recently purchased. The previous owner had been using to grow mostly plants and it has been disassembled for a few months. After filling it and getting the filter going and the temperature up (about 24 hours now) the water is cloudy. What would be the cause? When do you think I can add the 21 fish from my 29 gallon over to this new one?  


Change 50% of the water and add Cycle and maybe a chemical to help clear water. Also make sure you cleaned everything well before putting it in the aquarium and that you added new carbon in your filter.

Is it possible to add your 21 fish in sets of about 5 to your new aquarium? That way you can closely observe the clarity of the water and levels of ammonia/nitites before adding more fish. It may also be a good idea to take some water from your 29 gallon and add it to your new aquarium to help the cycling process and possibly help clear the water.

I hope this helps.

From Stephanie