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23 16:00:34

I have a 16 gallon tank with 4 nenon tetras and 2 platies. my question is are platies and trtras a good combination? can i add more of these kinds of fish or has my tank reached maximum capacity. I want to get another platy because my boy platy harasses my girl platy and i would like a larger schoal of tetras;they are so beautiful wen they swim in packs. the employees at Petsmart told me because thse are relativley small fish, that i could more, but i want a second opinion. also would it be wise to add a betta into this tank with these other fish. i did it once before with some other fish and my betta was sad so i wonder if it may havee been the type of fish. this is my first time with tetras should i know anything about them?
Thanks, Diana

Hi Diana,
Yes you can definitely add more fish. I would recommend you getting two more female platies for starters and four more neons. These are tiny fish that don't take up a lot of room and don't pollute the tank much. If you are consistent with large partial water changes on a once or twice weekly basis you could up your neon numbers but perhaps not your platy numbers because don't forget that your girls will be having fry.

A betta *might* get along. It's very uncertain because bettas have their own individual personalities and some are docile towards tankmates while others are aggressive regardless. You could try it. But have a plan B just in case.

Also, one of the reasons bettas often aren't happy in community tanks is because the environmental conditions. Often the tank might be too cool in temp for them. They enjoy heated water in the 76-80's F range. And another very determining factor is lots of current in the tank from the filter weaken bettas with their slow swimming and delicate fins. Blocking some of the current with plastic plants anchored near the surface helps a lot.

Tetras like neons are relatively easy to care for. Just keep their water clean and their diet high quality and varied and you should do fine.

I hope this helps and best of luck!