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Angel Fish with White Film over Eye

23 15:58:35

I have a 55 Gallon tank with Angel Fish..One of them has a dull white film over the one eye, what can be done, I Have been told to raise the temperature of the water for a couple of days but am afraid to do so until I hear from someone who knows a little something about  Angel fish...This is a 1st for Me I have been pretty lucky with My Fish.....Thanks Maria

Hi Maria,

White films over the eye are usually a sign of a fungal infection(s). I would recommend that you isolate the sick Angelfish in a small tank. If you don't have one, just change 20% of the water every day. Go to your local fish store, and buy a medication that treats fungus, such as Jungle's Fungus Eliminator. It also treats some bacterial infections too. remember to remove any carbon from the filter during use, because carbon will absorb the medication. i would not recommend raising the temperature, because the temperature has no effect whatsoever on this type of fungus, and a higher temperature will result in lower oxygen levels - which means a stressed fish.

Good Luck, I hope the Angel recovers!