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parrot fish nightare

23 16:41:31

hiya, i will give you a bit of background knowledge, we first kept a large tank with two parrot cichlid (the big orange hybrid ones) a plec and a small firemouth cichlid. The two parrots often bullied the firemouth but he had plenty of places to hide. We keep a couple of tanks and had moved a few kissing fish to the tank whilst their tank was being upgraded, however suddenly one parrot turned on the other. One has always been particularly pushy (even after surviving mouth to mouth from our cleaner when the house burned down 2 years ago) and the firemouth has grown so rapidly i think the parrot got a bit cowardly. Anyway the aggressive parrot appeared to be stopping the other from eating and even went so far as to bite half its lip off. We separated them quickly and put the bully into an even larger tank with a couple of our most hardy fish. The bullied on seems happy enough now and the tank is flourishing, however i've noticed both parrots pining for each other across the room. The bully spoils the tank by chasing the other fish into hiding despite the ph levels etc being fine and the tank is double the size. I'm now worried about what other fish to put in as i can't leave such a large tank so empty. Any suggestions? Should i get a bigger fish than the bully or try a shoal of loaches? My partner says he has had to separate the two parrots in the past but the bully isn't getting the satisfaction of a whole tank to itself!

Hello. Wow looks like you have a lot of bully fish! Getting a bigger fish may solve your problem or make them worse you can never tell because each fish has its own personality. Fish are a lot like humans in some aspects. I think seperating them is the best thing you can do. I suggest asking another expert for more help on this subject if you are not satisfied with my answer. Good luck!