Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > problems


25 9:09:32

well first of all i have six zebra danio in my 125L tank and 5 live
plants. but know i only have 5 danios left. i got up this morning
and one was dead. it looked as if it had been in a fight. so after
dispossing it i looked at the tank. every thing was fine. apart from
one fish was racing afetr all the others. he looks like a bully.

can you tell me if i should get rid of the bully or wait to see what

Hi Katy,
thank you for your question. So you have fish fights going on? I am not familiar with how danios act in a community. The aggressive one may have attacked the others. If you do decide to move him to a separate tank, be sure to treat the water with Cycle (friendly bacteria).
Here is my page for holistic aquarium care:
Write back if you want to discuss further.