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New aquarium mistake

23 16:01:19

I made the mistake of setting my aquarium up and stocking it too soon.  The aquarium is a 30 gallon tank with an external filter, heater, and I've provided a large air stone with pump.  I added this product by TETRA that states you can add fish as soon as product is added. It's a new product. It states on back that it contains bacteria essential to fish.  I've read many comments about the product not working, now I'm worried about the fish I've purchased.  I have one molly, 2 platys, 6 danios, and three other fish that are livebearing fish. I'm not sure what these fish are called.  My ph is 7.0 and my temp is 75 degrees.  I stocked the aquarium 24 hours after setting it up.  I'm worried now about the cycling process and if my fish will live. What can I do to keep them alive?  Today is day 3 and the fish seem fine.

Joseph -

I would suggest that you not worry too much about stocking your aquarium too soon.  With freshwater aquariums, there are fewer restrictions than with saltwater/marine aquariums because freshwater livestock is not as delicate as marine.  If it has already been 3 days since adding fish to your aquarium and they are all the same as when you brought them home, they should be just fine.

There are different kinds of beneficial bacteria in aquariums, and I am assuming you are speaking of the Tetra product which is a water conditioner to remove chlorine, chloramine, and other chemicals dangerous to fish from your tap water and that you used their newest product that also includes something similar to another product called Cycle.  It contains beneficial bacteria that assists in cycling the water to prepare it for livestock.  The instructions on both are general instructions.  To be honest, when I do water changes on my freshwater aquariums (all but one, actually), I use tap water and add a water conditioner to remove the chlorine and other chemicals while the water is being refilled.  The water conditioner works immediately and the water is ready for fish almost instantly after the conditioner mixes in.  

You have purchased some pretty hardy fish, meaning they are very easy to care for and keep in the home aquarium.  I currently have all of the fish you listed and have not had any problems with them (aside from them getting older over the years and a few dying due to age.

Your pH level is great - 6.8-7.2 is recommended, so you're right in the middle where it's most comfortable for your fish.  Keep your temperatures between 72-82 degrees for the fish you currently have in the tank and also add some freshwater aquarium salt (and follow the guidelines on the packaging for how much to use for your aquarium size).  Using the salt will help your fish produce their protective slime coating, improve their gill function (thus enabling them to breathe much easier), and also reduce their stress levels from being introduced to a new aquarium with new surroundings and tankmates.

Again, I do not foresee any issues arising with your situation and I would suggest not to worry too much about the fish - they should be fine.