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adaptation and its advatage to its survival for angelfish

25 9:16:05

hi karen
i m doing project on angelfish and i couldnot find its atleast three adaptation and there advantages for its survival of angelfish so please if u can answer me about this i willl be thankful to you


Dear Virja, I will do my best to help!
1.) Compressed bodies with a thin and very slim shape enable Angelfish to slip through thickets of plant growth to escape a fight with another angel, or more importantly, escape danger.
2.) wild Angelfishes natural coloration consists of a silvery background with three or more dark brown stripes. This is very effective for hiding from predators especially in a dark enviroment. One stripe extends over their eye to further hide them from detection...
3.) Angelfish are able to stand "stock-still" for several minutes this also leads to a great advantage as to not be seen by predators in the wild.

Angelfish are also very cautious of the cichlid family and will immediately take cover in the presence of danger.

Please let me know if you need more information...I will be happy to further help you if I've left something out.

I hope this helps, Best wishes!