Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Re: Amolock product

Re: Amolock product

23 17:03:27

Qustion, one of my angels out of 5 in a 30GL tank has been inactive for 2 days and was sitting in the corner of the tank, untill it died today. All of my Angels are small in size. The tank is 2 months and 1 week old.
I used amolock in my tank a week a go and all my test resdings are off. from what I see the rest of the fish are doing fine.
What do you think?

hey david,
keep doing water changes until the readings are back to normal. You shouldn't have much to worry about once they are normal.
Don't forget that the fish could have died from something else and it could have been coincidental. As long as you get those readings normal, everything should be fine

hope this helps you out!
best wishes, chelsey